domingo, abril 09, 2006

Bilderberg Film

The Secret Rulers of the World - The Bilderberg Group 55mins - PAL - World of Wonder - Jon Ronson - UK

This hour long Channel Four TV documentary about the 1999 Sintra Bilderberg Meeting includes interviews with Jim Tucker, Paul Luckman, Lord Healy, Alex Jones and the ADL. It was broadcast on 27th June 2001. It was part of the 'Secret Rulers of the World' series which included programmes on The Oklahoma Bombing, Ruby Ridge, Bohemian Grove, and David Icke. I can supply no profit copies of the film to people in the UK for £10.00. If you're abroad it's £15.00. Please send a cheque, postal order, international money order or cash to 'Tony Gosling' at
my contact address. Allow a week or so for the UK and three weeks for abroad. [see my videos page]

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