quinta-feira, abril 13, 2006



Venho por este meio comunicar que o livro "Clube Bilderberg - Os Senhores do Mundo" de Daniel Estulin editado em Portugal pela Temas e Debates, foi retirado do mercado devido a pressões que o triste governo português e o Bilderberg fizeram à referida editora.
Aproveito também para dar as boas vindas ao mais novo membro do nosso movimento informatico de estudo e investigação: Xefe01, que até há 3 dias atrás escrevia o blog:Devil's Place
Que foi apagado precisamente no dia em que o Daniel Estulin colocou um comentário no primeiro post do referido blog sobre os Bilderbergers portugueses.(http://www.portugalesoterico.blogspot.com/). Não podemos compactuar com censura ainda mais desta verdadeira organização mafiosa que é o Bilderberg "o governo sombra do mundo ocidental" que há décadas nos manipula e esconde informação.
Aqui coloco então o comentário do corajoso senhor Daniel Estulin:
daniel estulin said...
Good morning everyone, My name is Daniel Estulin.
I am the author of “Clube Bilderberg – Os Senhores do Mundo”.
Due to very disturbing information we are receiving from our friends in Portugal, I am writing to all Portuguese bloggers asking for help.
I have received information from someone working for Temas e Debates in Portugal that the publisher received STRONG PRESSURE FROM people in the government NOT TO SELL THE BOOK about Bilderberg Club.
Apparently, it really took the government by surprise and scared them.
They are afraid that this could turn into a world phenomenon. In fact, it is turning into a world phenomenon, as we have signed 28 countries and 21 languages.
This letter is an appeal for help. Please pass it along to anyone who might be willing to fight for free speech.
The government and my publisher in Portugal, Temas e Debates, is trying to suffocate this book because they are afraid it will create a groundswell that could turn into a populist movement in Portugal as it already has in Venezuela, Colombia and Mexico where the first edition sold out in less than 4 hours and caused riots in front of US embassies, something of course, due to mainstream media blockade you have not seen or heard on national television or in the press.
If we don´t stand up to these people in Temas e Debates and the government, they will have won this fight and we, the people will have become a LITTLE LESS FREE AND A LITTLE MORE ROTTEN INSIDE.
I am asking anyone willing to help to:
1. Can all the bloggers out there call Temas e Debates and ask them what is going on and DEMAND they sell this book. I have already contacted all the people I personally know and they are organizing a call-in and write-in campaign TO CALL OR WRITE TEMAS E DEBATES AND
2. Will you be willing to call your contacts in the press, friends and friends of friends and see if they are willing to post the story and help? What the publisher and the government fear most is PUBLIC SCRUTINY AND UNWANTED ATTENTION. The more people call and harass the publisher, and the government the less willing they will be to pull this off. If we don´t do something, we will only BE LESS FREE IN THE FUTURE.
THAT´S WHAT BILDERBERGS WANT. BUT THAT IS NOT WHAT I WANT FOR MY CHILDREN. From our sources in Oporto and Lisbon, I have found out that FNAC has had a lot of people asking for the book but according to FNAC “the publisher for some reason is not willing to sell it”.I can tell you from our experience in Spain, this pressure really works. Initially, the first run was 4,000 copies which sold out in 1 day. Planeta was VERY slow in restocking the bookstores. We put together a massive media campaign where this almost became a rallying point for freedom of speech. It worked.
Planeta relented, the book took off and now we have sold over 65,000 copies. You can post this number as well on your site.Also, I am organising a series of seminars I Portugal to speak about the Bilderbergers and their World Order Plans. This unwanted attention will make them very angry. The Bilderbergers are like Vampires. What they hate more than anything else on earth is the light of truth shinning on them.Additionally, if this works in Portugal, it will send a strong message to other countries that may wish to give in to the pressures of government officials and whoever else.I thank you in advance and am available for anything you might need from me.

Daniel Estulin

1 comentário:

  1. ~~greets all

    well have just read what is going on regarding daniels book i have this to say digitilize the book and make it avaialable on the web or on daniels site with a paypal or a cc pay option, and for those that prefer a printed copy you post it to the repective buyers of the book hense that means by passing the neo-fascistic governments, or get the book in audio format and have it send to audible.com for direct download

    ~~~enjoy have fun and thats a moment of madness
